Gordon Miller
Programme Manager, Built Environment, IHRB
Gordon has dedicated two decades to advancing environmental and social sustainability through a human rights lens. From 2005 to 2014, he worked as a journalist specialising in the built environment sector. Since 2015, he has collaborated with a range of private and public sector organisations in the construction sector, with a particular focus on building decarbonisation and modern slavery.
Current Work
Gordon manages IHRB’s UK Built Environment Programme, which works with businesses, civil society organisations and policymakers in the built environment sector to advance business practice, shape policy and strengthen accountability. Gordon inputs to the programme strategy, develops and maintains strategic relationships, and delivers the programme to accelerate impact and bring about change.
Before IHRB
Gordon has 25 years’ career experience, primarily working in the Built Environment. Over two decades he worked as a journalist; since 2010 he has led several thought leadership initiatives; in 2021 he founded Ride For Freedom CIC, whose mission is to harness cycling to advocate to end modern slavery and provide remedy to survivors. Gordon is a cycling Guinness World Records title holder.