Just Transition Financing Mechanisms: Local and International Experiences

4 December 2023

At COP28 in Dubai the Presidential Climate Commission of South Africa publicly launched the consultation paper "Scaling Finance to Support Just Transition: The Potential of a Just Transition Financing Mechanism" (JTFM). The JTFM is intended to locate restorative, distributive, and procedural forms of justice at the heart of South Africa's climate response.

In this panel discussion, speakers reflect on how emerging climate finance models can ensure that funding and finance can be mobilised and scaled up to support the “J” in JT.


  • Dipak Patel, Head: Climate Finance and Innovation, Presidential Climate Commission of South Africa
  • Crispian Olver, Executive Director, Presidential Climate Commission of South Africa
  • Saliem Fakir, Executive Director, African Climate Foundation 
  • Catherine Koffman, Group Executive, Project Preparation at the Development Bank of Southern Africa 
  • Haley St. Dennis, Head of Just Transitions, Institute for Human Rights and Business