Responsible Business in Uncertain Times: Strengthening Corporate Leadership Amidst Widening Global Conflicts
22 November 2024

At the end of 2023, there were more than 110 armed conflicts involving 60 states, and 130 non-state armed groups. Current reports note that 210 million people live in territories that are either under the full control of non-state armed actors or in contested territory.
Conflict inevitably impacts on business and commerce. Business practices can in some cases contribute to conflict, whether intentionally or not.
This briefing explores the priority issues and the future direction of the role of business at a time of increasing global and local conflict and instability.
The analysis in this briefing builds on an international conference organised by IHRB on the role of business during conflict (Responsible Business in Uncertain Times). The event was hosted at the International Committee of the Red Cross / Red Crescent (ICRC) in Geneva. It included participants from business and civil society as well as representatives of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Government of Switzerland.
This briefing also builds on earlier convenings organised by IHRB including Corporate Responsibility in a New Age of Conflict and Uncertainty (Washington D.C., 2024); and a multi-stakeholder meeting in Copenhagen in 2023 on the topics of 'Responsible Exits' and 'Decoupling'.
For more information about IHRB’s work related to business and conflict, please visit our conflict-dedicated webpage.