Securing the Just Transition: the pivotal role of private security

6 December 2023

Within the context of just transition, this panel conversation explores the role of private security companies on land where minerals are extracted and where infrastructures are built, which can be a source of conflict in fragile context.

Contributing as a panelist, Vicky Bowman talks about the importance of organisations like ICoCA and the wider business and human rights community, of influencing mining companies and solar companies to respect indigenous peoples' rights to free, prior and informed consent from day one.

Event context

The path to a low-carbon economy will require massive investment in the extractive, commodities and infrastructure sectors, with many minerals sourced in fragile contexts. Private security providers are often caught in the middle between companies and the surrounding communities, in a race for resources that all too often ignites or exacerbates conflict. The private security industry, already a major employer in many countries and growing rapidly, is too often culpable for terrible working conditions and for undermining human rights as abused private security personnel become the abusers. This panel will consider how actors all along the value chain, from investors to the users of private security and the service providers themselves play critical roles in ensuring responsible security that contributes to peace, security and wellbeing, without which, a truly just transition will remain out of reach.


  • Jael Amara, Business Development Director, Consuming Options
  • Rebecca DeWinter Schmitt, Associate Director, Investor Alliance for Human Rights
  • Vicky Bowman, Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business
  • Louis Maréchal, Senior Advisor Minerals & Extractives, OECD
  • Chris Galvin, Head of Communications & Outreach, ICoCA (Moderator)