UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - General Comment on Business & Child Rights

26 April 2012

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has committed to producing a General Comment on Child Rights and Business that will aim to provide states with a framework for implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a whole with regard to the business sector. It will include guidance on the measures of implementation that are required to prevent and remedy violations of child rights by business actors, and ensure business enterprises carry out their responsibilities in the realisation of the rights of the child and encourage business to positively contribute to the realisation of these rights. The Committee states that the General Comment will be guided by the principles of the CRC throughout: the best interests of the child, the right to non-discrimination, the right to be heard and the right to life, survival and development.

The Committee has opened for comment an annotated outline [word doc] of their planned General Comment on business and child rights. This IHRB submission offers feedback and recommendations to the outline.