Consultation on Creating Repository of Corporate Modern Slavery Statements

23 January 2017

On 22nd December 2016, the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC) called for written submissions on how a central repository for modern slavery statements, required under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, can work to help monitor the impact of the Modern Slavery Act.

Section 54 of the Act requires any commercial organisation which supplies goods or services, carries on a business or part of a business in the UK, and whose annual turnover is £36 million or above, to produce a statement for each financial year detailing what they are doing to ensure that there is no slavery in their supply chains. The IASC posits that a central repository could help translate increased transparency into accountability by easing the ability to analyse and compare statements.

This IHRB submission supports the concept of a repository and includes IHRB's recommendations on how such a register would be best structured.

Image: Flickr/bark