The UN Secretary-General's Report on Business, Human Rights & the UN System

26 March 2012

When unanimously endorsing the Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights on 16 June 2011, reflected in Resolution 17/4, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council requested:

…the Secretary-General to prepare a report on how the United Nations system as a whole, including programmes and funds and specialized agencies, can contribute to the advancement of the business and human rights agenda and the dissemination and implementation of the Guiding Principles, addressing in particular how capacity-building of all relevant actors to this end can best be addressed within the United Nations system…”  (para 11)

While recognising the potential for the entire UN system to contribute significantly to this emerging agenda, this IHRB submission to the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) highlights three areas where existing organisational structures should be strengthened and inter-agency cooperation and multi-stakeholder engagement enhanced in order to effectively disseminate and implement the UN Guiding Principles.

Photo: Flickr-scazon