Comments on the Thai National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

15 March 2019

IHRB has submitted comments on the proposed Thai National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP), which has been proposed by the Thai Government's Department of Rights and Liberties Protection.

IHRB supports the introduction of a Thai NAP - the first in South East Asia. IHRB welcomes the recognition of migrant workers as a significant and ubiquitous feature of all business sectors in Thailand, and the fact that expectations and obligations on business are matched by clear commitments from the Government.

IHRB also welcomes acknowledgement within the NAP that businesses recruiting migrant workforces be responsible for the costs of recruitment, in line with the Employer Pays Principle.

IHRB recommends that the Thai government should:

  • work with foreign governments to ensure inclusion and non-discrimination of migrant workers coming to Thailand;
  • provide clear, unambiguous guidance for Thai companies about how they should undertake effective due diligence;
  • provide guidance for establishing grievance mechanisms to all business stakeholders.

Read the full submission.